Monday, 19 January 2015

Loss of appetite (Bhukh na lagna) (Anorexia)

    Desiilaaz with chhoti elaichi, Tulsi,Fennel and Peppermint

It is caused due to gastroenteritis, indigestion, infections, tuberculosis, nervous and emotional disorders, and alcoholism. In children, it occurs due to fevers and other many disorders.
Loss of appetite is with astringent taste and bad breath.
Boil* 1g powdered chhoti elaichi (cardamon) in half cup of water for 1 min. Let it stand for 10 min and then filter**. Take 1tbspf every 15 min till appetite is regained.
Boil* 1tspf crushed Babunah (Chamomile) flowers in covered container for 5-10 min and then filter** through a muslin cloth, and drink a cup of fresh watery extract 3-4 times a day. (Not recommended for children below 2 yrs of age.)
Boil* crushed 11g tulsi (Holy Basil) leaves in 2 cups of water till the water is reduced to half the quantity (15 min), then filter** and add milk 1tbspf and sugar as per taste. Garnish with chhoti elaichi powder. Take a cup 3 times a day.
Add to the boiling* water 1tspf chopped abbhal/araar (Juniper) berries, branches, and wood for 20 min. Filter** and drink a cup in morning and evening. (Contraindicated in pregnant and nursing women)
Immerse 15g recently dried crushed leaves of paparaminta (Peppermint) in 2 cups boiling* water for 5-20 min as per concentration required. Filter** and take hot/warm 1 cup a day between meals. (Contraindicated below 5 yrs of age choking sensation)
Take 1 tspf crushed rusmary (Rosemary) leaves in container and add 1 cup boiling* water over them. Cover the container to steep the leaves for 10 mins. Filter** and take a cup two times a day.
Take 6g cushed saunf (Fennel) seeds, 6g crushed pudina (mint) leaves and 6g crushed gulab (rose) flower in a container and add ¾ cup of boiling* water. Keep the mixture covered in a vessel for 30 min.  Filter** and take ¾ cup two times a day.
*Boil in stainless steel or glass container not in aluminium container because it reacts with the mixture.

** Filter with a stainless strainer/ filter or a muslin cloth not with a plastic strainer/filter.

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