Monday, 19 January 2015


Desiilaaz with chopped dhania (Coriander) and crushed bhilava (Marking Nut)

It is failure to achieve and maintain penile erection during sex act. It is more psychological than physical.
To 1 tspf of chopped dhania (Coriander) leaves add 1 cup of boiling water in a covered container for 15 min. Filter and take 2-4 tbspf a day.
Boil 1 tbspf of crushed bhilava (Marking Nut) herb in ½ cup of water for 3-4 min in a container. Filter and take 4 tbspf a day.

Boil 1 tspf of crushed fruit, root, bark or tender shoots of peepal in 1 cup of milk for 10 min. Filter and take ¼ cup at bedtime with sugar or honey.

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