Thursday, 22 January 2015

Desiilaaz -Home remedies for acne

Desiilaaz with soybeans, sunflower seeds, and nuts -Home remedies for acne

For acne on the back take orally and apply directly
on the affected area Colloidal silver,
it's used as a natural antibiotic.

Kitchen remedies for acne.Take garlic capsules, the
y boost the immune system and kill
the bacteria found in acne.

To help the liver eliminate toxins from the blood,
take Burdock root and dandelion which
contain insulin. This helps to kill bacteria thus im
proving the skin.

Use Lavender oil to apply directly on the acne area.

Severe acne remedies. Put Tea tree oil on the acneaffected skin. This is a naturalantibiotic. It will destroy a broad range of invadi
ng microorganisms, as effectively as benzol peroxide, but without side effects. It reduces redness, itchiness and stinging.

Eat foods high in fiber. This will keep the colon c

Eat Shellfish, soybeans, sunflower seeds, and nuts,
these are all rich in zinc which is and

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