Saturday, 31 January 2015

Desiilaaz : Insomnia

Insomnia  (sleeplessness) Desiilaaz with california poppy flowering plant 

It is difficulty or staying asleep or waking up in night caused by worry, grief and uncomfortable environment. Chronic sleeplessness can lead to lack of energy, difficulty in concentration and irritability.


To 1-2 tspf of crushed California poppy flowering plant add 1 cup of boiling water in a covered container for 10 min. Filter and take 1 cup in morning and evening for several weeks.

To 1 tspf of crushed hops plant add 1 cup of boiling water in a covered container. Filter and take 1 cup in evening.

Add 1-2 tspf of crushed gidar tamaku (Mullein) flowers to 4 cups of boiling water in a covered container for 20 min. Filter and take 1 cup 4 times a day.

Keep 2 tspf of shredded jalakan (Valerian) fresh root in 1 cup of water for 8 hrs in a covered container then warm. Filter and take 1 cup in evening. (Contraindicated in pregnant and nursing women)


Powder 1.5 g of badam (Almonds), 1.5 g of kashiphala (Bitter Bottlegourd) and 3 g of khas khas (Poppy seeds) in a mortar. Mix this in 1 cup of boiling water. Filter and take ½ cup at bedtime with sugar.

Friday, 30 January 2015

Desiilaaz : Gallstones

Gallstones Desiilaaz with dried root of kukraundha (Dandelion)

Stones in the gall bladder when dislodged and travel to the bile duct results in severe discomfort in right upper abdomen, pain in back, right shoulder with nausea, vomiting and flatulence. High fat diet and chronic gall bladder infection, results in gallstones. Women suffer more than men.
To 1 tspf of crushed khasi (Agrimony) leaves add 1 cup of boiling water in a covered container for 10 min. Filter and take 1 cup twice a day as hot as possible.

Boil 2 tspf of crushed kasni (Chicory) root, flowers, and seeds in 1 cup of water in a covered container for 10 min. Filter and take 1 cup twice a day.

Boil 1-2 tspf of crushed hatichak (Artichoke) dried leaves in 1 cup of water in a covered container. Remove from heat and let it stand covered for 10 min. Filter and take 1 cup 2-3 times a day.

Boil 1-2 tspf of crushed dried root of kukraundha (Dandelion) softened by soaking it for 2 hrs in 2 cups of water before boiling for 2 min. Remove from heat and let it stand covered for 15 min. Filter and take 1 cup twice a day.


Boil 2-4 tspf of crushed dried leaves of angoor (Grapes) in 1 cup of water. Remove from heat and let it stand covered for 15 min. Filter and take 1 cup thrice a day for several weeks.

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Menstrual Disorders Desiilaaz with Pomegranate and kala zeera (Black Cumin) seeds

Menstrual Disorders Desiilaaz with Pomegranate and kala zeera (Black Cumin) seeds

Excessive Bleeding (Menorrhagia): It occurs during menopause, abnormal growth in uterus, benign or malignant. It leads to anemia and fatigue.

Painful Menstruation (Dysmenorrhoea): It is cramp-like pain in groin before, during or after menstruation in girls and young women. It is also associated with frequent urination, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, backache and headache.

Stoppage of Menstruation: It usually occurs after menopause at an age of 45 yrs, during pregnancy and lactation. Anemia, tuberculosis, diabetes, kidney disease, malaria and anxiety can also lead to scanty or no menstruation.
1stBoil 15 g of crushed ashoka dried bark in 1 cup of water till the volume is reduced to ¼ cup (10 min). Filter and take 1-4 tbspf a day. If you are using fresh bark use ½ cup of water and boil to 2 tbsp. (For menorrhagia)2ndMix 1 tspf of powdered kala zeera (Black Cumin) seeds in 1 cup of boiling water, cover and let it cool for 15 min in room temperature. Filter and take ¼ cup twice a day. (For promoting menstruation)3rdTo 1-2 tspf of granulated zergul (Marigold) flowers add 1 cup of boiling water in a covered container for 15 min. Filter and take 1 cup a day. (For onset of menstruation)4thBoil 12 g of crushed anar (Pomegranate) bark in 1 cup of water till the volume is reduced to half (7-8 min). Filter and take ½ cup in the morning.5thBoil 6 g of powdered viranga/baberang (Embelia) plant and 6 g of powdered dried adrak (Ginger) in 1 ¾ cups of water for 15 min. Filter and take ¾ cup a day with sugar. (For dysmenorrhea)6thBoil 6 g of crushed abbhal/aaraar (Juniper) berries and 6 g of crushed mur makki (Myrrh) in 1 ½ cups of water in a covered container for 15 min. Filter and take ½ cup in morning for 10 days. (For dysmenorrhea)7thBoil 4 g of crushed amaltas (Indian Laburnam) rind, 4 g of crushed abbhal/aaraar (Juniper) and 4 g of powdered bacho/majeeth (Madder) in 1 cup of water till the volume is reduced to half  (7-8 min). Filter and take ½ cup twice a day with sugar. (For promoting menstruation)Nausea Vomiting (Ulti)Nausea is a feeling of sickness without vomiting. Nausea while travelling by road, sea, or air is motion sickness due to no coordination of eyes and ears.This symptom is caused by emotional upsets, indigestion, overeating, pregnancy, intestinal worms, constipation, and infections. Cluster headaches and migraines produce nausea and vomiting.
1stBoil crushed ½ tspf of kali mirch (Black Pepper) in 1 ½ cups of water. Remove from heat and let it stand for 10 min covered. Filter and take 10-30 drops a day. (Reduce dose for children)2ndTo 1-2 tspf of paparaminta (Peppermint) crushed leaves add 1 cup of boiling water for 10 min in a covered container. Filter and take 1-2 cups a day hot.3rdBoil 1 tspf of crushed pahadi pudina (Spearmint) in 2 cups of water. Remove from heat and let it stand for 10-15 min covered. Filter and take 1 cup thrice a day.4thTo 2/3 tspf of ground rogani balsan (Balm), 2/3 tspf of ground babuna (Chamomile) and 2/3 tspf of ground paparaminta (Peppermint) add 1 cup of boiling water for 10 min in covered container. Filter and take 1-2 cups a day.
5thTo 1/3 tspf of ground pahari gandana (Black Horehound) plant, 1/3 tspf of ground bara kulinjan (Java Galangal) plant and 1/3 tspf of ground khatmi (Marshmallow) plant add 1 cup of boiling water for 15 min in a covered container. Filter and take 1 cup thrice a day.6thTo ½ tspf of ground babunah (Chamomile) flowers, ½ tspf of ground bans keora (European Centaury), ½ tspf crushed seeds of saunf (Fennel), ground ½ tspf of aspurk (Lemon Balm) and ½ tspf of ground paparaminta (Peppermint) add 1 cup of hot water in a covered container for 15 min. Filter and take 1 cup twice a day. (For vomiting) (Not recommended for children below 2 yrs of age.)7thTo ½ tspf of ground babunah (Chamomile) flowers, ½ tspf of ground bans keora (European Centaury), ½ tspf of ground paparaminta (Peppermint), ½ tspf of ground pahadi pudina (Spearmint) and 1 tspf of ground vilayati afsanthin (Wormwood)  add 1 cup of boiling water in a covered container for 15 min. Filter and take 1 cup thrice a day. (For vomiting)8thTo 1/3 tspf of ground pahari gandana (Black Horehound), 1/3 tspf of ground babunah (Chamomile) flowers and 1/3 tspf of ground vanpushp (Meadowsweet) add 1 cup of boiling water for 15 min in covered container. Filter and teke 1 cup twice a day. (Used during pregnancy for vomiting)

Depression (Home Remedy) Desiilaaz with Banana and Ashwagandha

                 Desiilaaz with Banana and Ashwagandha

1) Bananas: Bananas contain tryptophan, a protein that converts to the neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin is instrumental in facilitating relaxation. Low levels of serotonin are believed to cause mood disorders including depression. Bananas have amazing vitamins and minerals that have been scientifically proven to help with depression as well as heart disease, menstrual cramps, leg cramps, energy and even hangovers. Eat bananas throughout the week to relieve your depression symptoms. Eat a whole banana every day for at least one month to see results and relieve any aches and pains that come from your depression.

2) Ashwagandha:  It is a miraculous herb that is has such a diversity of use and act as a friend to human body. Ashwagandha is more famous as Indian ginseng world wide has been widely used in ayurvedic system of medicine and has multiple applications due to presence of an alkaloid and withanoloids. It also possesses a chemical known as ginsenoside that gives it the property of being an aphrodisiac. Ashwagandha is one of the most recommended body stimulation that helps in expelling out the weakness from the body inducing tinge of freshness and livelihood in every cell of our body. Latest researches have shown the wonderful effect of ashwagandha in reducing the stress levels drastically in the body. It works as the brain and nervine tonic or adpatogen that counters stress and promotes well being in the body. It is used in relieving from stress, mental ailments, convulsions, seizures, panic attacks, mood fluctuations, lowered memory power, mental retardness, depression, phobias, schizophrenia.