Monday, 19 January 2015

Tonics and Health Drinks (swasthawardhak pey)

Desiilaaz with ashvagandha/akri (Winter Cherry) and babunah (Chamomile) crushed flowers

Tonics have power of restoring the normal tone and vigour of body in health and after the illness. Health drinks keep the body healthy by providing with energy and vigour.
Boil 3 g of crushed bahera (Beleric Myrobalan) fruit pulp in 1 ¼ cups of water in a covered container for 15 min. Filter and take 1-2 tspf a day.
To 1 handful of babunah (Chamomile) crushed flowers add 2 cups of boiling water in a covered  container for 15 min. Filter and take warm 1 cup twice a day. (Not recommended for children below 2 yrs of age.)
To ½ tspf of assam tea leaves add 2 cups of boiling water in a covered container for 10 min. filter and add 2 g of bari elaichi (Greater Cardamom). Take 1 cup a day, excellent for heart and liver.
Boil 1 cup milk, 1 cup water and 1-4 g powdered ashvagandha/akri (Winter Cherry) in a covered container for 15 min. Filter and take 1-2 cups a day with sugar or honey.

Boil ½ tspf of powdered adrak (Ginger) rhizomes and ½ tspf of powdered amla (Indian Gooseberry) fruit in 8 cups of water till half (4 cups) the volume of water is remaining. Cool, filter and take 1 cup 4 times a day with sugar or honey.

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