Desiilaaz with Ginger, Kapoora,Neem and Ajwain

Following teas may provide some relief during an asthma
To 14 g of bruised asmania (ephedra) whole plant add 2 cups of
boiling water cover it in a container and let it stand for 15 min. Filter and
drink 1-2 cups a day at room temperature. (Large doses of ephedra (asmania)
cause tingling sensation, vomiting, flushing, palpitations, dizziness,
insomnia, and headaches. Persons who are suffering from diabetes, heart
condition and thyroid disease should avoid excess use of this.)
To 2 g of ground kapoora maram (Eucalyptus) leaves add 2 cups
boiling water in a covered container for 5-20 min (depending on the strength of
the tea needed). Filter and drink a cup twice a day.
Take ¼ tspf of dried adrak (ginger) powder and add ½ cup boiling
water in a container then cover it for 15 min. Filter and take 2 tspf at bedtime.
To 1 tspf of pahari gandana (Horehound) ground tender shoots add 1
cup boiling water in a covered container. Filter and take 1 tspf at a time a
total of 1 cup a day.
Steep 1 tspf of leaves/flowering tops of neem in 1 cup of boiling
water in a covered container for 15 min. Filter and take 1 tspf at a time a
total of 1 cup a day.
To ½-1 tspf of ground dried muka jail (Sundew) add 1 cup of boiling
water in a covered container for 5-10 min. Filter and take 1 cup twice a day.
Sugar or honey can be added. (Urine will become dark in color, it is harmless)
Warm 1 tspf of ground ajwain (Thyme) in 1 cup of water for 1 min.
Filter and take 1 cup thrice a day with honey as per the need to increase the
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