Monday, 19 January 2015

Cough Relievers (khansi)

Desiilaaz with vilayati saunf Alsi (Linseed) 

Cough is a protective reflex to expel out the phlegm (bulgum) and foreign particles from the air passage. The common causes of cough are common cold, respiratory infection and asthma.

To 1-2 tspf crushed seeds of vilayati saunf in a container add 1 cup of boiling water and cover the container for 15 min. Filter and take warm 1 cup 2-3 times a day.
To 14 g of dried ground leaves of guli gaozaban (Catnip) add 2 cups of boiling water and cover it for 5-10 min. Filter and take 1 cup after waking up and 1 cup before sleeping. (Not recommended for children below 2 yrs of age.)
To ½ tspf of crushed leaves of kapoora maram (Eucalyptus) add 2/3 cup of boiling water for 20 min in a covered container. Filter and take 2/3 cup thrice a day.
Boil for 15 min 1 handful of crushed flowering tops of pahari gandan (Horehound) in 2 cups of water in a covered container. Remove from heat and let it stand for 15 min. Filter and take 1 cup a day, 1 tbspf at a time.
To 15 g of crushed seeds of alsi (Linseed) add 2 cup of boiling water, cover the container and let it stand for 5-20 min as per the strength needed. Filter and take warm 1-2 cups a day.

To 7 crushed leaves of adosa (Malabur Nut) add 1 cup of boiling water for 15 min in a covered container. Filter and take 1-4 tbspf 4 times a day.
To 1-2 tspf of chopped dried flowers of bunafshah (Violet) add 2 cups of boiling water for 5-7 min in covered container. Filter and take 1 cup thrice a day.
Keep 2-3 tspf of crushed dried flowering plant of gandana (Yarrow) in cold water for 6-8 hrs. Filter and take 1 cup 4 times a day.
To ¼ tspf of powdered watapana (Coltsfoot) leaves, ¼ tspf of powdered khatmi (Comfrey) leaves, ¼ tspf of powdered marshmallow root and ¼ tspf of powdered sage leaves add 2 cups of boiling water. Let it stand for 15 min in a covered container. Filter and take 1 cup thrice a day.
To 1/3 tspf of powdered vilayati saunf (Aniseed), 1/3 tspf of powdered whole plant muka jali (Sundew) and 1/3 tspf of powdered whole plant of ajwain (thyme) add 1 cup of boiling water in a covered container for 15 min. Filter and take 1 cup thrice a day.

To 3 g of powdered mulethi (Liquorice) root and 2 g of lightly crushed khas khas (Poppy) seeds add water and boil. Remove from heat and let it stand for 10 min in a covered container. Filter and take 1 cup thrice a day.

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